Thursday, March 30, 2006

That U.N., I'm telling you, they are so brave, so willing to stand up to countries who attempt to build a nuclear arsenal. Oh, wait a minute I forgot, it's the U.S. who gets to do that...the U.N. only passes "resolutions" without any resolve.
Their newest and brightest calls for Iran to dismantle it's uranium enrichment Iran going to stop enriching uranium because the U.N. which issued countless numbers of resolutions at Saddam Hussein (and did nothing) asks them to? Get real, all you Mr. Big Shot Diplomats! Diplomacy with a terrorist country doesn't work! Yeah, that's right, Iran is a terrorist country...not a terrorist-sponsoring country, every government official they have is a terrorist. Why don't we combine the militaries of every country in the U.N. Security Council and invade Iran and get rid of their nuclear program? Because the U.N. is a committee of weak-kneed, yellow-bellied, chicken-hearted numbskulls, (that's the G-rated version)that's why! As Robert Welch (head of the John Birch Society during the 60s) said: "Get the U.S. out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of the U.S." I say let the U.N. go hold there meeting in Paris...maybe in the Eiffel Tower?

Friday, March 24, 2006

The junior senator from New York does not believe the new immigration bill is consistent with Republican's claim to values. Hillary Clinton ,in a speech yesterday, denounced the new bill that would make illegal immigration a felony instead of a civil offense as unchristian. The senator believes that this is contradictory to the Republican's party's claim of faith and values. Mrs. Clinton also called the bill "mean spirited." Apparently it is standing up for faith and values and sweet spirited to con innocent people out of homes through sneaky contracts as Mrs. Clinton did in the scandal known as Whitewater, which for some reason never made it to the papers, but that's another story. And apparently it's all right to fire federal employees on false charges to hire old cronies as in the scandal known as Travelgate. But apparently securing our borders from illegal immigrants is not.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

On a local radio talk show I heard a bit of information I didn't know about General John J. Pershing, the commander of the American Expeditionary Force in World War I. This sounds like a good idea for us to do with insurgents.
WARNING! If you have a weak stomach you shouldn't read this.
It seem that in the early 1900s America was having troubles with Muslim insurgents in the Philippines. The War Department dispatched General John Pershing to deal with the problem. When Pershing arrived he ordered his men to capture some of the Muslims, they captured 50.
Pershing had the Muslims tied to posts, then he ordered his men to slaughter a pig in front of the Muslims. Next he had his men dip 49 bullets in the pigs blood and shoot 49 of the Muslims. Pershing then ordered his men to throw the bodies into a deep pit and they did, he told them to next take the pig's remains and bury them on top of the Muslims, this they also did. After he had completed this Pershing ordered that the last Muslim be released, and from that day forward the US didn't need to worry about Muslims in the Philippines.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happy Third Anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom to you all! I would suggest getting down on our knees and thanking God for our president and soldiers as a celebratory move.
All the media can talk about it this happy occasion is the violence in Iraq. Of course the insurgents attacking today, they hate this day more than any other. They want us out and will do anything to get us out, the only way to win is to do anything to destroy them.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Iran is soooo nice to us! They have condescended to discuss the future of Iraq with us. Two things:
1) We don't care what the heck you think about Iraq, we want to talk about your nuclear weapons program and when you are going to stop them. Before or after we blow them out of existence?
2) The news report said that you are worried over the violence in Iraq. Why? Because when it stops the US might start to give you a closer look?

Monday, March 13, 2006

It's not common for me to praise Senator John McCain (Arizona-R), mainly because of his waffling on certain issues, but here I will do so, during the Southern Republican Leadership convention John McCain called for Republicans to rally around Bush. He said and I quote: "It's easy to be loyal when the guy is at 65 percent.
I'm not going to kick him while he's down." Now there is only one way that I'd ever vote for McCain for president and that's if Mrs. Clinton was the other choice, but for once McCain has remained loyal and that's a rare thing and he deserves credit.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Way to go South Dakota! SD's governor has just signed into law a bill passed by South Dakota's legislature that bans abortions in that state unless the mother's life is in danger. Of course the courts are going to start a fight over how this in "unconstitutional" while acting unconstitutional. The courts in America were meant to uphold the laws passed by the federal and state governments not overturn while a judge declares this new law "unconstitutional" remember that if Jefferson or Madison or Hamilton were still alive they would seek to have that judge removed from office...for overstepping his lawful and intended bounds.

Monday, March 06, 2006

It's not often that I applaud Hollywood for doing something right...but today I will break with that tradition. Last night in a stunning announcement at the Academy, gay-cowboy flick: Brokeback Mountain was rejected for Best Picture. After having been predicted as a favorite to sweep the Oscars, Brokeback lost to Crash a film about interracial relations. Brokeback did however walk away with a total of three awards: Best Director (which should have gone to Andrew Adamson for his Narnia work, he wasn't even nominated), Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Musical Score. Next year the academy should take more time and nominate films that audiences have actually seen. None of the Best Picture nominations made it to the Top 10 grossing films of the year. The Academy apparently ignored this when making their decisions and I for one would like to know why...and I'm sure every Star Wars fan out there wanted Revenge of the Sith to be nominated and win something...being the last installment of that series. And I am shaking my head at the stupidity of the Academy...Narnia won one award: Best Makeup, come one, is that all you guys could think of?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

BIG NEWS! President Bush was warned of Katrina before it struck! Wow! I never would have guessed that would you? News agencies are going ballistic because it is said that Pres. Bush was told of the hurricane's abilitly to break levees and flood New Orleans. In confidential video footage of a video conference between FEMA and the President, then FEMA Brown warns Bush of the potential of this hurricane. At the end Bush confidently replies that FEMA is ready...relying on the info he was getting from FEMA this should be obvious...did Brown say that FEMA would be unable to handle it...I don't think so!
But hold off on that for now, engineers have been warning the government for the last 15-20 years that the levees in New Orleans could be easily breached if hit with a category 4 or 5 hurricane. It's time for the moronic media to shut up and get out.
During this weeks festivities in new Orleans for Mardi Gras, the media was reporting: "New Orleans celebrates first Fat Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday) since Katrina!" There is a reason for this as Rush Limbaugh pointed out, namely that this is the first Fat Tuesday since Katrina.
What went wrong during Katrina? I have the answer. The Democratic Governor of Louisiana and Mayor of New Orleans refused to cooperate with the Red Cross and the Federal government. In a nutshell that's it, true the federal government could have been better prepared, but you can always be better prepared when disaster strikes...that's why it's called "disaster!"