Monday, September 29, 2008


Apparently the old saying that "Congress doesn't get it" is truer than ever, the very fact that the House missed passing the $700 billion bailout bill by only a 228-205 margin proves that these elected officials don't give a darn what the American people want. When 70% (and I'm willing to bet even more) of the American people disapprove of something it seems like Congress should listen and even more importantly the President should.
I was disappointed when Bush tried to get an amnesty bill for illegal aliens passed, any respect I had for the man has disappeared after he announced his support for this bailout bill. President Bush must believe that his legacy isn't tarnished enough or perhaps he has just gone mad.
While I was happy that the bill went down in defeat I was disheartened to hear both Democrat and Republican leaders announce that they will try again. My take on this bailout plan? The banks made the mistakes let the banks fix them, if they can't then they deserve to crash, maybe a depression is what this country needs.

On the plus side I heard of another bill introduced to the House, this one sponsored by Tom Tancredo (Republican Representative from Colorado). The bill? This bill would evict the United Nations from the United States, sell all property of the UN to the highest bidder and use that money to help pay off the national debt and also bar the UN from buying any land in the future.
“The U.N. has coddled brutal dictators, anti-Semites, state sponsors of terrorism, and nuclear proliferators – while excluding democratic countries from membership and turning a blind eye to humanitarian tragedies and gross violations of human rights around the globe,” Tancredo said. “The U.N.’s continued presence in the United States is an embarrassment to our nation, and the time has come for this ineffective organization to pack its bags and hit the road.”
Way to go, Tom. Now here's a man who should be President!

Friday, September 19, 2008

McCain/Palin '08

I haven't said much on the upcoming presidential election since it became obvious that John McCain was going to be the Republican candidate. Indeed I wasn't even really paying attention to the coverage until the convention kicked off. My first reaction to McCain's selection as our candidate was one of outrage that this was the best we could do, I having voted for Romney in the primary, a vote which if I could I would withdraw. All I can say is I acted on the intelligence available at the time, having lately rethought my position it occurred that out of the electable candidates (that removes Brownback, Hunter and Tancredo from the list) perhaps McCain was the best we could do. While I do not leap at the prospect of having President McCain I most definitely shrink from the idea that some bloggers including my brother seem to have that McCain is no better than Obama, McCain is not the candidate I would have chosen but as he is our candidate and Obama is the Democrats I will be voting for McCain for two reasons.
1) The most important reason, McCain unlike Obama is a patriotic American, I may not agree with things he has done in the past and perhaps not agree with things he will do in future but there is no question that he is patriotic. Obama on the other hand is a socialist, rascist hate-monger (yeah I said it) and will sink this country, literally, if Obama is elected the United States of America will cease to exist and basically become errand boy for the UN and the rest of the world (when they aren't blowing us up that is).
2) McCain's running mate. McCain shocked the Democrats and their watchdog media by announcing Sarah Palin as his running mate. Not only did he shock them but he energized the conservative Republicans (which make up the majority in the party) into supporters.Governor Palin's record speaks for itself but the thing which gained my support the most is the way the liberal media hounds are trying every tactic to smear her name and reputation, if she was really "unqualified" and "unfit for the job" then they wouldn't say anything. Liberals know she is a threat and they are scared, for the first time since the McCain vs. Obama race began the liberals are scared of losing and they have reason to be.