Monday, December 19, 2005

In Narnia!

Yesterday I went and saw The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The film was great! The acting was superb, Lucy acts like a little girl who has truly stumbled into a magic land. Edmund's sulkiness brought home his character. The beavers were funny. The centaurs of Aslan's army were cool. And Aslan was awesome! Liam Neeson did a good job of voicing him, making him sound powerful, wild and kind all at the same time.
The film was lacking in some of the more obvious hints at Christianity, but this is a start for Hollywood. The more movies they make like this, not explicitly Christian but positive, the more money they will make and they might learn their lesson. Besides the movie may draw people who have never read any of Lewis' books to do so, if not his theological ones, at least his fantasy ones (the rest of The Chronicles of Narnia and his Space Trilogy), which contain enough subtle theology to bring home the basics of Christianity.
Watch the movie for entertainment and an introduction to Lewis, read his books for their deeper meaning.
"Long live the true King!"

Friday, December 16, 2005

As you've probably heard, Congress has been making a lot of noise about "torture" and should we prosecute soldiers who participate in "torture." Today on his show Rush Limbaugh asked the question of: "what constitutes torture?" I have the answer: "Listening to liberals whine about the same subject over and over again."

A bit of new news, it turns out that the NSA (National Security Agency) has been "spying" on Americans. Supposedly the NSA has been tracking and gathering information on Americans who have a potential to be terrorists. Liberals everywhere are making beef over this. They are accusing the NSA (and ultimately the Bush administration) of encroaching on civil rights. However if I recall, the terrorists who killed 3000 plus people on September 11, 2001 were based in America, correct? I haven't forgotten that, though apparently everyone on the left has. May I also take this opportunity to remind liberals that their hero president (from the 60s) John F. Kennedy, the brother of one the sharpest critics of this "spying," used the FBI and the Justice Department (run by Robert Kennedy) to spy on political enemies, including MLK Jr.

Monday, December 12, 2005

A few interesting headlines in the news today...
First: Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill) accused Republicans of "social Darwinism." Rather an interesting statement, does it mean perhaps that Republicans have "evolved" farther than Democrats and so consider ourselves higher beings? Or perhaps he means that we believe in survival of the fittest and that Republicans always win elections thus making us the "fittest."
Secondly, Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn), the Senate Majority Leader, has promised to use veto a filibuster if one is used against Samuel Alito during his confirmation. It's about time we got rid of the filibuster, however we must see whether Frist's words will lead to actions or not.

Monday, December 05, 2005

In Iraq today, Saddam Hussein’s defense team walked out of the trial in a attempt at protest. Saddam’s half-brother Ibrahim shouted, “Why don't you just execute us and get rid of all of this!” An excellent suggestion Ibrahim…however the Americans have been trying to civilize the courts in Iraq. Like giving the defendants a chance (even if they don't deserve it), unlike the courts under your half-brother. The judge has warned the ex-president of Iraq that if his defense team walks out again there will be new lawyers appointed. Two of Saddam's lawyers have ahve been assassinated since the trial began in mid-October.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Today on AOL News they were making a fuss about the Christian themes in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." But despite their distress over that, their biggest problem is that the man who funded Walden Media is a Republican! (gasp)
According to the article 'The Palm Beach Post' noted that Phillip Anschutz (the backer) has donated to Republicans. Obviously the movie is a conspiracy of right-wingers to take back over Hollywood. I find it funny that they're all concerned over this and yet praise Ronnie Earle, the man who got DeLay indicted by a grand jury, despite the fact that he has donated to the democratic party, if you ask me they are living by a double standard. Peter Schwiezer's book got it right: "Do as I say (not as I do)."

Friday, November 25, 2005

Conservatives everywhere should all say on three: "We told you so!"
The European Union (EU) has now accused Iran of attempting to build nuclear warheads! Earth to EU, earth to EU, America has been saying that ever since ever and you didn't believe us! You guys went right ahead and shared technology with them. America doesn't even by oil from them because we knew what they were up to! You do buy oil and suddenly out of the blue you realize what's going on?
When are the libs ever going to figure something out without us telling them? Especially because we've been saying this for years!

Monday, November 21, 2005

After 60 years of being at war, Russia and Japan decide to bury the hatchet. In a little known fact: Russia declared war on Japan during World War II, 2 days before we dropped the A-Bomb. To this day they have not signed a peace treaty. Problems have arisen because of this but today on AOL news they said that the two countries are taking steps towards peace. Japan and Russia have decided to work on improving relations by compromising on certain issues and making trade more open between the two countries. Here's the link to the article:

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The more I read about Nixon the more I like him. Recently declassified documents from his presidency reveal that he continued to conduct a secret war in Cambodia. He calmed congress down and then forgot to tell them that he was still fighting the war. A quote the article I read this in seems particularly put out with, "We have taken all the heat on this one. Just do it. Don't come back and ask permission each time." That's wonderful! A civilian president who knew that his army commanders knew a heck of a lot more than he did about running ground operations. The more the media tries to tear "Tricky Dick" down the more I admire him.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Three cheers for Bruce Willis, he is the exception to the rule that all movie actors are arrogant, ignorant democratic snobs. Last night on a TV talk show he said he would give a million dollars to anyone who would turn in a member of al-Qaeda, be it bin Laden or any other. He also criticized the liberal media's bias in its coverage of the Iraq War.
Nor is his outspokenness a new thing, back when the war first started, and the movie stars were holding their anti-war rallies, he told them to shut up. He actually told them that kids looked up to them and they shouldn't tell them it's all right to criticize your country. Way to go, Bruce!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I love, I just love it. Today on AOL News they had an interview with Jimmy Carter about a “Moral Crisis.” Would you like a guess as to who Jimmy Carter blames for this crisis? You got it! Christian Conservatives who are electing conservatives to public office. Who are, of course, a minority, according to Carter. “I really don't believe that a vast majority of the American people approve of what has been happening recently in Washington. And I think after they read my book and realize the profound nature of the change, there's going to be an even greater desire to see the changes back to what we have always valued as American moral principles.” News to Jimmy from Mars! President Bush was re-elected in the biggest voter turnout ever. It seems to me that the vast majority does agree with what goes on in the White House. Maybe he’s just mad because he’s stuck with a vast minority who can’t win elections on agenda, they win on smear campaigns.
Note to Republicans running for office (and future Republicans) You must be perfect for 35 years before you run for public office. As for you Democrats: Forget it, you couldn’t do it. And by the way, just who is Jimmy Carter to be lecturing us on how to run the country? If my memory serves his presidency was the weakest ever. The American people were so glad, after 1976, that they lived in a republic, where they would get to change their minds as to who should be president. Never in all of American history were the American people glad that Carter wasn’t dictator-for-life.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Q: Why won't the media shut up about things they know absolutely nothing about?
A: Because they hate America and everything to do with it.

The media has been trying to indict I. Lewis Libby for leaking the name of a CIA "covert" agent (see last blog). If you have read that one you know the facts. But the media keeps trying to act as if Libby was indicted for leaking a name, Libby was indicted (which by the way means that a trial will be held-not that he's guilty) for obstructing justice and lying under oath (he resigned by the way, which is more than can be said for a certain Democratic president who lied under oath),
Also while the Washington Post is condemning Libby for leaking the name (not proven), they have the audacity to write an article on CIA "black houses" (secret CIA locations around the globe). On November 2nd, 4 days after Libby's indictment! You can read it at

Thursday, November 03, 2005

With Bush's nomination of Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court, Democratic Senators are in a fix. If they decide to filibuster there is no guarantee that the 14 senators who helped them last time will do so again, two of those 14 have stated their intention to vote for Alito. Also Senate Majority leader Bill Frist has said that he will use the constitutional option if the Democrats try the filibuster. The Democrats have two choices: filibuster and let the American people see who you really are, or go with the flow.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Vice President's aide I. Lewis Libby has resigned after being indicted by a grand jury. Strangely enough the liberal media is not as ecstatic as they would like to be, they were hoping for a Karl Rove indictment or at least an indictment of criminal acts. Libby has been indicted for: obstructing justice, making false statements and perjury. I would have thought that lying under oath was now an accepted thing at least among liberals. I seem to remember a president who lied under oath and was said to be totally justified in doing so, because "Republicans were out to get him." I listened to the press conference that Prosecutor Fitzgerald held today and the only questions that the reporters asked were whether Karl Rove could somehow be indicted or if there were a chance that other administration officials could be. That sounds to me like the media out to "get someone."
Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination yesterday and the conservatives have won a victory. I don't profess to know anything about her that would make her a bad judge nor anything about her that would make her a good judge. Evangelical Christian leaders were told by White House officials that she would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade; but first Roe v. Wade would have to be brought to the table and nothing could insure that. Roe v. Wade is a cruel decision I think, but we don't need a judge who will overturn it solely on its cruelty, we need a judge (judges actually) who will overturn it for its unconstitutionality. Roe v. Wade should have been given to the American people to decided, not forced down there throats by 7 men in black robes.

Monday, October 24, 2005

The big news in politics lately has been whether or not Karl Rove will be indicted for revealing the name of a CIA Agent. VP Cheney's top advisor "Scooter" Libby is also under suspicion.
I have two things to ask the liberals as they gush over this news:
1. Why is this so important? Valerie Plame was not a covert agent. She had no reason to hide her identity any more than George Tenet (ex-CIA Director). Plame gathered intelligence, compiled it from agents in the field.
2. Valerie Plame was named as a CIA Agent in Who's Who In America (I forget which year). In the entry on Joseph Wilson, it clearly names his wife and her occupation.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The New York Times breathlessly announced today that Harriet Meirs sent George W. Bush a birthday card in 1997 that said "You are the best governor ever-deserving of great respect." According to the Times this is an example of Bush appointing a crony. Wouldn't it be normal for a employee to praise her employer on his birthday? Since when has congratulating an employer become cronyism? Where was the NYT when Jimmy Carter was appointing people who had laundered money for his campaign to important positions?

"I would honor the man who would give his country a good newspaper." -Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th Pres. of the USA-

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I haven't said anything about Bush's nominee to replace Sandra Day O'Connor because I have been trying to learn more about her and what other people think of her. But I decided I should say something, so here it goes.
I personally would have preferred a nominee who is a known staunch conservative. President Bush was the one who interviewed the candidates and if he thinks that Harriet Meirs is the one for this spot, I cannot say otherwise, I know very little about this woman. Some conservatives are reaching the boiling point over the fact that she supported Al Gore for president in the 1988 democratic primary, I say "So what?" Zell Miller (former governor\senator from Georgia) supported Bill Clinton for president but has since proved himself a true conservative. There are times when we all do stupid things, for the Republicans it was choosing to run Bob Dole against Clinton in '96, but I digress. Whether this woman is the right person for the job or not I don't know, but I'll I hope and pray that she is.

Friday, September 30, 2005

It's happened!

We have the second youngest chief justice of the Supreme Court sworn in today. John Roberts Jr. has succeeded Rehnquist and we must all pray that he is a strong conservative. All the justices of the Supreme Court were there, excluding Antonin Scalia (he had a seminar in Colorado), actually I think (as does Ann Coulter) that Scalia should have been nominated for the chief justiceship. But, ah well, what's done is done. Hopefully Roberts will be a strong conservative and the next nominee also.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Democratic Hatchet Men

The Left is still playing by their old rules: If you can't beat 'em in elections, beat them in the courts. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has had to step down from his position because he was indicted by a grand jury for conspiracy charges (the prosecutor was a democrat). Meantime Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is being investigated for selling off his stock in his family's business, they think he used fraud to get rid of them before their value dropped. The plan here is obvious, liberals (being the sore losers they are) are out to sabotage the GOP and our succeeding. But if while all this "controversy" is going on Bush can slip conservative nominees onto the Supreme Court it will all be worth it. One interesting note, while liberals get mad at conservatives for "possible" crimes, they defend their own politicians who have committed far worse crimes. President Bill Clinton lied under oath, to the American People, Senator Ted Kennedy murdered a young lady and is still holding public office, (those are the two most famous ones) the list goes on but I won't bore you any further, and the left never mentions any of that. Liberals should watch out, if we conservatives ever start playing by their rules, they will never have a future in American politics.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Just when you thought that all good news had been sucked out of the world by some evil villain (probably named Dan Rather), a light breaks through. Cindy Sheehan has been arrested! Sheehan along with a bunch of her cronies was arrested for protesting without a permit (in front of the White House), they were warned three times that they would have to move. They failed to heed this warning and now are cooling off in the police station. However all that will happen is they will have their pictures taken (knowing Mrs. Sheehan's ego she'll probably offer to autograph hers') and be fingerprinted but maybe they will stop believing in "the divine right of protestors-especially those who are family of soldiers who have died (Adam could you translate that into Latin for me).

Monday, September 19, 2005

Schiavo's Back!

Wife-killer and all-around jerk Michael Schiavo is planning on writing a book relating his side in the much discussed controversy of earlier this year. This guy can never get enough money can he? First he sues on "behalf" of his wife to get several thousand dollars, then he kills his wife to get more money from the insurance company and now he's going to write a book about it. I just hope that no publisher will publish it and leave Michael sitting in the dust where he belongs.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Today US District Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled that the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional, arguing that it violates a child's right to be "free from a coercive requirement to affirm God." I find it weird that this judge who claims to uphold the values of the constitution, must have never read the writings of any of the framers of the constitution, he probably hasn't even read the constitution. The 1st Amendment actually says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Nowhere in the constitution does it use the phrase "separation of church and State", but wacko-leftist judges insist upon this phrase which has been used to create rulings including this one. Below I list other wacko-extreme rulings that have happened.
Stone v. Graham-1980: (I include quotes from the rulings) "It is unconstitutional (there's that good old phrase again) for students to see the Ten Commandments since they might read, meditate upon, respect or obey them."
Warsaw v. Tehachapi-1990: "It is unconstitutional for a public cemetery to have a planter in the shape of a cross...if someone were to view that cross, it could cause 'emotional distress' and thus constitute on 'injury in fact.'
Florey v. Sioux Falls School District-1979: (this is my favorite) "It is unconstitutional for a kindergarten class to ask whose birthday is celebrated by Christmas."
Every judge in America today should remember these words from the Late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Rehnquist: "The 'wall of separation between church and State' is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned."

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Today in the news it was announced that the head of FEMA has been removed from the post of managing Katrina cleanup. This is a big mistake on the White House's part, they should have left him in charge specifically because the left was criticizing him. It wasn't FEMA's fault or anybody in the White House's fault that Katrina was so devastating. The Red Cross was ready in Louisiana with food and water, they went to the authorities and asked when they should take the stuff to the Superdome and to the New Orleans Convention Center. They were told that Governor Blanco did not want any supplies taken there, so as not to make it a target for more survivors to come in (they wanted to clear it out first). The governor failed in her job to provide for her constituents. Also Mayor Ray Nagen was supposed to release New Orleans' school buses and public buses to pick up those who could not get out by themselves. This he did not do, and the buses are still sitting in their parking lots with water all around them, ruined! Whose fault is this again?

Another aspect that is fascinating to me is how the left changes its tune so quickly, during the presidential election of 2000, the left declared that Bush was the idiot of idiots. From 2002 to 2004 he was characterized as manipulating the courts, the media and the congress to forward his agenda (Bush is now fiendishly clever) . Now the left is saying that not only is he the cleverest manipulator but he also controls the weather! When will the left ever get it?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Bush names Rehnquist's Replacement!

Bush has finally started using the mandate that America gave him in 2004. Democrats have urged the president to choose Justice O'Connor to serve as Chief Justice for a year until a replacement can be found. Bush has refused to do that and has further slammed the door on Democrats' hopes by choosing Judge John Roberts Jr. (his pick to replace O'Connor) to be Chief Justice. Way to go, Bush! Give 'em the old one-two!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies

I couldn't believe it when I heard it. But on the up side this, along with Roberts' nomination could give Bush a chance to build up a Supreme Court of interpreters (not re-writers) of the Constitution. Maybe now, people will quit complaining about all that Bush "hasn't" done and start focusing on the fact that he might have important things to do.

Also, Bush has sent a army general into New Orleans to oversee recovery efforts. Perhaps the affected areas will be cleaned up soon.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurricane Katrina, supposedly "the hurricane that is brining America together," is doing just the opposite. People in New Orleans have been shooting at those trying to rescue them, National Guardsmen actually would hide anytime they saw someone in fear that it was a sniper. A helicopter bringing relief was shot at. And it's not just the physical violence that is going on in the affected areas.
Political mudslinging and hate-speech towards the Bush administration has been peaking, Democrats say: "Bush is responsible!" Other people including Republicans say that the president should do more, what more can he do? You tell me. When will people realize that we don't need pointing fingers, we need able bodies and equipment to help clean up and rebuild those areas that have been devastated by the hurricane.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Today on AOL News there was a poll on how Pres. Bush is handling the aftermath of Katrina, to my astonishment 60% said that he was doing a poor job, with 14% saying excellent, 9% saying "to early to tell", 8% saying fair and another 8% saying good. What more do these people expect Bush to do, go down to New Orleans and personally rescue people who are stranded? Bush is the president of the United States he has to control the entire country as well as make decisions about American policy abroad he probably would go down there and help if he were still governor of Texas or even if he had been beaten in last year's election. But he isn't and wasn't and so he must be kept safe so as to guide America through the rest of his term in office as he sees fit.

Here's the link to this article where you can vote on how you think Bush is doing:

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I find it interesting that even with Katrina dominating the news, the leftist media propagandists still find time to mention Cindy Sheehan's protest which has today hit the road. According to Mrs. Sheehan her group plans to protest at Tom DeLay's office on their way to DC. Perhaps they could also stop in New Orleans to help the rest of America instead of spouting hate-speeches towards Bush, our troops and Americans. If they are so concerned about people losing their lives why don't they go there and help?
As a footnote to yesterday's blog, I found out that the Department of Transportation has waived gasoline regulations requiring the 40 different types of gas to be used in certain places, this will help keep the gas coming and is the first smart move of the DOT in a very long time.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina & the Media

Unless you have been sleeping in a dark cave for the past two weeks chances are that you heard about Hurricane Katrina at least once. Katrina has dominated the news ever since it was named. Now granted it is one of the largest hurricanes we have had in a while and I am sorry for those who have lost their lives, homes and possessions in it. But I am sick and tired of how the media is using this disaster as ammunition against Bush and to generally promote their wacko-left ideas.
Almost in every news source out there you will find a mention that this hurricane is a direct result of "global warming", which we big, bad, rich Americans are responsible for. I found it interesting that the only place I could get objective reporting from was The Rush Limbaugh Show ( I shouldn't have been surprised). During the show a meteorologist called in and said he thought it was puzzling that no one mentioned that all meteorologists agree that we have been in a hurricane lull since the 1970s, this is just a cycle every 30-40 years there is lull which is followed by an increase in hurricane activity.
Also people are complaining that the hurricane will drive gas prices higher, and may I ask why? The reason is that we have these laws the regulate what types of gasoline can be used where. There are 40 different types of gasoline in this country, this makes for a problem when we have a stop in gas production since it has to be refined into certain types it creates a distribution problem, not a supply problem, we have lots of gasoline, but we have to divide it into 40ths that can only be used in certain places. How stupid is this?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


In a New York Times article today, "journalist" (notice quotation marks) Erik Eckholm says that: "A top Army contracting official who criticized a large, noncompetitive contract with the Halliburton Company for work in Iraq was demoted Saturday for what the Army called poor job performance." Now what is wrong with this paragraph? Notice how he injects the mention of her criticism of Halliburton as a not-so-subtle hint that she was really demoted for her criticism. Later on he goes on to mention in passing (rolls eyes) that "Oh, yeah, Vice President Dick Cheney once chaired Halliburton," journalist pretends to shrug it off, "I'm just saying..." He also says that her lawyer believes that she was demoted for her criticism of Halliburton winning the contract in Iraq. How many servicemen and women who criticized Pres. Clinton's policies or how his Defense Department handled things got demoted I wonder? And how many got a story in the New York Times about how, because they criticized the administration, they were demoted?
I think that if The New York Times wants to be taken seriously by the American people it had better stop reporting on stupid, irritating, mindless news such as this and pay attention to real news that Americans want to hear instead of shoving propaganda down their throats.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Today I went to a Revolutionary War Re-Enactment and while there I noticed a car with all sorts of Anti-Bush bumper stickers. There was a "When Clinton lied, no one died" referring to the opinion that Bush lied about WMDs, I have already posted my thoughts on that matter but what really caught my eye was the sticker that said, "Last time we mixed religion with politics, we burned people at the stake." How ignorant is this guy? Actually last time we "mixed" religion with politics we got two documents out of the deal. One was called the "Declaration of Independence" and the other "The Constitution of the States of America" I wonder if this guy ever read either one?

Friday, August 26, 2005

USA Today breathlessly announced that "Base-closing Plan Angers Republicans." Well, duh! Republicans are the ones who vote with the military, Democrats don't speak out because their goal is to make the military as small as possible. Now granted I will admit that some bases do need to be closed for budget reasons, but why is the administration picking bases in loyal Republican states? It seems to me that they should close the bases in states whose senators (Republicans) have voted consistently with the left, close some bases in Arizona (John McCain's state) or Maine (Olympia Snowe's state). Why punish loyal Republicans while trying to court "moderates" and liberals, there are no such things as moderates! They are just liberals trying to pretend to be something else which they are not. No "moderate" has ever stood against every liberal in the Senate and declared his support for legislation from the administration, as long as the liberals vote liberal so will the "moderates."

Thursday, August 25, 2005

President Bush's Loss of Faith?

"In an address that repeatedly invoked Sept. 11 - the day that terrorists who had no discernable connection whatsoever to Iraq attacked targets on American soil - Mr. Bush offered a new reason for staying the course: to keep faith with the men and women who have already died in the war."
In this editorial from the New York Times which should be called the Tehran Times, the writer says that more soldiers should not die just because others have died. What kind of messed up person is this writer? The point is not that "because they died you should too", the point is that because these people believed in this so much that they made the ultimate sacrifice we should realize just how important it is to them that we finish the job.
Secondly Iraq had ties to Al-Qaeda, the terror network who knocked down the Twin Towers, punched a hole in the Pentagon and were foiled from their next target only by the intervention of American passengers. Saddam Hussein gave both monetary support and space for terrorist training camps in Iraq to Al-Qaeda.
Later in the piece the author says: "Most Americans believed that their country had invaded Iraq to eliminate weapons of mass destruction, but we know now that those weapons did not exist. If we had all known then what we know now, the invasion would have been stopped by a popular outcry, no matter what other motives the president and his advisers may have had." I would like to know where this man gets his info, if I remember rightly we have found dozens of weapons of mass destruction, including Saddam Hussein and his sons Uday and Qusay, a terrorist is a weapon of mass destruction, or have we forgotten that day in 2001 when four jet planes were hijacked and 3000 people died? And secondly we have found evidence of nuclear weapons labs all over Iraq along with labs for creating chemical and biological weapons! Thirdly, we haven't found the weapons of mass destruction yet, Saddam had 12 years to hide whatever he made in case we ever got interested in him again. I'm guessing that Saddam moved his weapons out of Iraq before we got there so that the left would have missiles (pun intended) to shoot at the Bush Administration, I wouldn't be surprised if Syria is now sitting on these weapons while the left gripes about "there are no WMDs."
Lastly the American people re-elected this president in the biggest voter turnout in American History! If they were so upset with his policies why didn't they kick him out of office? As soon as this writer can answer that question I'll move on to the next one, which is: "Why do you hate America?" And yes in case you were wondering, I am questioning your patriotism and your sanity.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Just when I thought that liberals were the only ones shooting themselves in the foot, along came Pat Robertson. Mr. Robertson said that America should send out hit teams to assassinate Venezuelan "President" Hugo Chavez! How stupid is this man? This man is supposed to be a Christian! Mr. Robertson doesn't seem to realize that we as Americans play by the rules even when no one else does. I don't like the fact that Mr. Chavez is in power either and quite often I get sick of America having to be the only one who plays by the rules anymore (notice I say having). Actually I believe that in Iraq it's time to kick the press out and wage an all-out war on the insurgents without having to worry about what the press will say, to make our soldiers look bad. But Mr. Chavez is totally different, if we decide to kill Pres. Chavez and succeed imagine what ammunition we will have just handed the left to attack the Bush administration with: "Republicans order hit squads to oust foreign leaders" Pat Robertson has been going crazy for a long period of time and this latest is just an example of how far out he is getting, he's so far right he's almost hit left (only left-wingers have ever assassinated or tried to assassinate people)!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Evolution or Intelligent Design?

Scientists have been arguing over how the universe was created since before Darwin wrote about his theory of evolution. But the discussion is heating up as scientists re-examine the evidence for both sides. More and more scientists are agreeing with the intelligent design theory as more and more flaws in the evolution theory are pointed out. However a few scientists persist that while there is little scientific proof of evolution there is even less of an intelligent designer ("a higher being"). Since I believe that there is a "higher being" who created the universe I naturally take sides with those in that position. I also would like to point out (objectively) that if (their words not mine) there is a "higher being" than wouldn't that "higher being" have created science itself and so would not need to be proven by science? Just a thought.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A Utah Television Station in Salt Lake City has refused to air a ad featuring "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan slamming President Bush for the war in Iraq. Another TV Station's Vice-President criticized TV Station KTVX for not running the ad, saying that "by suppressing the message are we doing what is right under the First Amendment..." Someone needs to remind this guy that the 1st Amendment also guarantees the "freedom of the press" which gives this TV Station the right to accept or reject any ads offered to them. Personally I am proud that a TV Station had the guts to stand up to the other TV Stations in protest of this ad. I am all for "freedom of speech" but all "free speech" that liberals want is anti-Republican, anti-Christian and anti-American, (I happen to be an American Christian Republican).
Sheehan in the ad asks why Bush will not just admit to mistakes and bring the troops home. The answer is simple: The war is not a mistake, pulling out would be. Back in the 1970s President pulled our troops out of the "quagmire" (made that way by liberals refusing to allow a all-out war) of Vietnam, in 1975 South Vietnam was overrun by the Communists. If we pull out of Iraq it will be overrun by the terrorists and go right back to being a major threat to our country and our freedom, including the freedom of speech.

Friday, August 19, 2005

"Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan has left her protest because her mom is in ill health. Maybe now the media will quit talking about this woman and her protest, probably not. I thank both Sheehan and her son for their sacrifice and I hope evryone else does too. But I draw the line on using her son's death as a reason why she should be able to dictate whatever she wants to the president of the United States. Cindy Sheehan needs to remember that she is not the only parent in the country or even the world who has lost a child. Perhaps Mrs. Sheehan also needs to remember that if we had attacked terrorists long before this her son and thousands of other people would still be alive, including those 3000 men, women, children killed on September 11th, 2001. Her son and the other soldiers who died over in Iraq were fighting there to make sure freedom would survive in America and to introduce freedom to the Iraqis. And they are succeeding in their mission too, in January, Iraq had its first free elections since 1968!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Today rumors are flying that the Israelis from the Gaza Strip will start another state that will be called Judah. According to Biblical Prophecy Expert Jimmy DeYoung the disgruntled Israelis already have a constitution for the new state. This could be the beginning of the fulfilling of the prophecy in Ezekiel 37, where God says that he will take the nation of Israel and the nation of Judah and unite them, this could be the division that will ultimately lead to their unification and towards the end of the world. As I said these are just rumors, but it could still be true.

Jews Pull Out of Gaza!

I was scanning the headlines and came across this story and I was just floored. Why are the Israelis being forced to leave? As I read the story and looked at the picture something struck me as odd, here are Israelis being rounded up by other Israelis while Arabs demonstrate outside the towns. Outside the town of Neve Dekalim, as Israelis were being dragged from their homes that they'd had lived in maybe all of their lives, a crowd of Palestinians walked around with signs and flags. Aren't they even decent enough to wait until the Israelis leave?!!!! Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon pleaded with his people not to attack or blame the police forces or military but to blame him...they sure have a right to! In 2000 as US President Bill Clinton mediated at peace talks between Yasser Arafat and then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak Sharon criticized (and rightly so) as Barak offered Arafat around 90% of the Gaza Strip. Then Sharon turns around and hands it over without so much as blinking an eye. Actually this example of the peace talks in 2000 should tells us something: Palestinians don't want statehood; they want Israel wiped off the face of the earth. And a note to all you who also feel like that: It ain't going to happen, the Arabs tried to defeat Israel in 1967 with odds of 10 to 1 and Israel kicked their butts. God has promised to always pull through for the Jews and He will keep His promise no matter what.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hello, this is my first post, so I'll just mostly say hello. I am a Christian, conservative, homeschooled high-schooler and this blog will let you know what I think about current events.