Tuesday, August 30, 2005


In a New York Times article today, "journalist" (notice quotation marks) Erik Eckholm says that: "A top Army contracting official who criticized a large, noncompetitive contract with the Halliburton Company for work in Iraq was demoted Saturday for what the Army called poor job performance." Now what is wrong with this paragraph? Notice how he injects the mention of her criticism of Halliburton as a not-so-subtle hint that she was really demoted for her criticism. Later on he goes on to mention in passing (rolls eyes) that "Oh, yeah, Vice President Dick Cheney once chaired Halliburton," journalist pretends to shrug it off, "I'm just saying..." He also says that her lawyer believes that she was demoted for her criticism of Halliburton winning the contract in Iraq. How many servicemen and women who criticized Pres. Clinton's policies or how his Defense Department handled things got demoted I wonder? And how many got a story in the New York Times about how, because they criticized the administration, they were demoted?
I think that if The New York Times wants to be taken seriously by the American people it had better stop reporting on stupid, irritating, mindless news such as this and pay attention to real news that Americans want to hear instead of shoving propaganda down their throats.

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