Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina & the Media

Unless you have been sleeping in a dark cave for the past two weeks chances are that you heard about Hurricane Katrina at least once. Katrina has dominated the news ever since it was named. Now granted it is one of the largest hurricanes we have had in a while and I am sorry for those who have lost their lives, homes and possessions in it. But I am sick and tired of how the media is using this disaster as ammunition against Bush and to generally promote their wacko-left ideas.
Almost in every news source out there you will find a mention that this hurricane is a direct result of "global warming", which we big, bad, rich Americans are responsible for. I found it interesting that the only place I could get objective reporting from was The Rush Limbaugh Show ( I shouldn't have been surprised). During the show a meteorologist called in and said he thought it was puzzling that no one mentioned that all meteorologists agree that we have been in a hurricane lull since the 1970s, this is just a cycle every 30-40 years there is lull which is followed by an increase in hurricane activity.
Also people are complaining that the hurricane will drive gas prices higher, and may I ask why? The reason is that we have these laws the regulate what types of gasoline can be used where. There are 40 different types of gasoline in this country, this makes for a problem when we have a stop in gas production since it has to be refined into certain types it creates a distribution problem, not a supply problem, we have lots of gasoline, but we have to divide it into 40ths that can only be used in certain places. How stupid is this?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


In a New York Times article today, "journalist" (notice quotation marks) Erik Eckholm says that: "A top Army contracting official who criticized a large, noncompetitive contract with the Halliburton Company for work in Iraq was demoted Saturday for what the Army called poor job performance." Now what is wrong with this paragraph? Notice how he injects the mention of her criticism of Halliburton as a not-so-subtle hint that she was really demoted for her criticism. Later on he goes on to mention in passing (rolls eyes) that "Oh, yeah, Vice President Dick Cheney once chaired Halliburton," journalist pretends to shrug it off, "I'm just saying..." He also says that her lawyer believes that she was demoted for her criticism of Halliburton winning the contract in Iraq. How many servicemen and women who criticized Pres. Clinton's policies or how his Defense Department handled things got demoted I wonder? And how many got a story in the New York Times about how, because they criticized the administration, they were demoted?
I think that if The New York Times wants to be taken seriously by the American people it had better stop reporting on stupid, irritating, mindless news such as this and pay attention to real news that Americans want to hear instead of shoving propaganda down their throats.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Today I went to a Revolutionary War Re-Enactment and while there I noticed a car with all sorts of Anti-Bush bumper stickers. There was a "When Clinton lied, no one died" referring to the opinion that Bush lied about WMDs, I have already posted my thoughts on that matter but what really caught my eye was the sticker that said, "Last time we mixed religion with politics, we burned people at the stake." How ignorant is this guy? Actually last time we "mixed" religion with politics we got two documents out of the deal. One was called the "Declaration of Independence" and the other "The Constitution of the States of America" I wonder if this guy ever read either one?

Friday, August 26, 2005

USA Today breathlessly announced that "Base-closing Plan Angers Republicans." Well, duh! Republicans are the ones who vote with the military, Democrats don't speak out because their goal is to make the military as small as possible. Now granted I will admit that some bases do need to be closed for budget reasons, but why is the administration picking bases in loyal Republican states? It seems to me that they should close the bases in states whose senators (Republicans) have voted consistently with the left, close some bases in Arizona (John McCain's state) or Maine (Olympia Snowe's state). Why punish loyal Republicans while trying to court "moderates" and liberals, there are no such things as moderates! They are just liberals trying to pretend to be something else which they are not. No "moderate" has ever stood against every liberal in the Senate and declared his support for legislation from the administration, as long as the liberals vote liberal so will the "moderates."

Thursday, August 25, 2005

President Bush's Loss of Faith?

"In an address that repeatedly invoked Sept. 11 - the day that terrorists who had no discernable connection whatsoever to Iraq attacked targets on American soil - Mr. Bush offered a new reason for staying the course: to keep faith with the men and women who have already died in the war."
In this editorial from the New York Times which should be called the Tehran Times, the writer says that more soldiers should not die just because others have died. What kind of messed up person is this writer? The point is not that "because they died you should too", the point is that because these people believed in this so much that they made the ultimate sacrifice we should realize just how important it is to them that we finish the job.
Secondly Iraq had ties to Al-Qaeda, the terror network who knocked down the Twin Towers, punched a hole in the Pentagon and were foiled from their next target only by the intervention of American passengers. Saddam Hussein gave both monetary support and space for terrorist training camps in Iraq to Al-Qaeda.
Later in the piece the author says: "Most Americans believed that their country had invaded Iraq to eliminate weapons of mass destruction, but we know now that those weapons did not exist. If we had all known then what we know now, the invasion would have been stopped by a popular outcry, no matter what other motives the president and his advisers may have had." I would like to know where this man gets his info, if I remember rightly we have found dozens of weapons of mass destruction, including Saddam Hussein and his sons Uday and Qusay, a terrorist is a weapon of mass destruction, or have we forgotten that day in 2001 when four jet planes were hijacked and 3000 people died? And secondly we have found evidence of nuclear weapons labs all over Iraq along with labs for creating chemical and biological weapons! Thirdly, we haven't found the weapons of mass destruction yet, Saddam had 12 years to hide whatever he made in case we ever got interested in him again. I'm guessing that Saddam moved his weapons out of Iraq before we got there so that the left would have missiles (pun intended) to shoot at the Bush Administration, I wouldn't be surprised if Syria is now sitting on these weapons while the left gripes about "there are no WMDs."
Lastly the American people re-elected this president in the biggest voter turnout in American History! If they were so upset with his policies why didn't they kick him out of office? As soon as this writer can answer that question I'll move on to the next one, which is: "Why do you hate America?" And yes in case you were wondering, I am questioning your patriotism and your sanity.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Just when I thought that liberals were the only ones shooting themselves in the foot, along came Pat Robertson. Mr. Robertson said that America should send out hit teams to assassinate Venezuelan "President" Hugo Chavez! How stupid is this man? This man is supposed to be a Christian! Mr. Robertson doesn't seem to realize that we as Americans play by the rules even when no one else does. I don't like the fact that Mr. Chavez is in power either and quite often I get sick of America having to be the only one who plays by the rules anymore (notice I say having). Actually I believe that in Iraq it's time to kick the press out and wage an all-out war on the insurgents without having to worry about what the press will say, to make our soldiers look bad. But Mr. Chavez is totally different, if we decide to kill Pres. Chavez and succeed imagine what ammunition we will have just handed the left to attack the Bush administration with: "Republicans order hit squads to oust foreign leaders" Pat Robertson has been going crazy for a long period of time and this latest is just an example of how far out he is getting, he's so far right he's almost hit left (only left-wingers have ever assassinated or tried to assassinate people)!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Evolution or Intelligent Design?

Scientists have been arguing over how the universe was created since before Darwin wrote about his theory of evolution. But the discussion is heating up as scientists re-examine the evidence for both sides. More and more scientists are agreeing with the intelligent design theory as more and more flaws in the evolution theory are pointed out. However a few scientists persist that while there is little scientific proof of evolution there is even less of an intelligent designer ("a higher being"). Since I believe that there is a "higher being" who created the universe I naturally take sides with those in that position. I also would like to point out (objectively) that if (their words not mine) there is a "higher being" than wouldn't that "higher being" have created science itself and so would not need to be proven by science? Just a thought.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A Utah Television Station in Salt Lake City has refused to air a ad featuring "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan slamming President Bush for the war in Iraq. Another TV Station's Vice-President criticized TV Station KTVX for not running the ad, saying that "by suppressing the message are we doing what is right under the First Amendment..." Someone needs to remind this guy that the 1st Amendment also guarantees the "freedom of the press" which gives this TV Station the right to accept or reject any ads offered to them. Personally I am proud that a TV Station had the guts to stand up to the other TV Stations in protest of this ad. I am all for "freedom of speech" but all "free speech" that liberals want is anti-Republican, anti-Christian and anti-American, (I happen to be an American Christian Republican).
Sheehan in the ad asks why Bush will not just admit to mistakes and bring the troops home. The answer is simple: The war is not a mistake, pulling out would be. Back in the 1970s President pulled our troops out of the "quagmire" (made that way by liberals refusing to allow a all-out war) of Vietnam, in 1975 South Vietnam was overrun by the Communists. If we pull out of Iraq it will be overrun by the terrorists and go right back to being a major threat to our country and our freedom, including the freedom of speech.

Friday, August 19, 2005

"Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan has left her protest because her mom is in ill health. Maybe now the media will quit talking about this woman and her protest, probably not. I thank both Sheehan and her son for their sacrifice and I hope evryone else does too. But I draw the line on using her son's death as a reason why she should be able to dictate whatever she wants to the president of the United States. Cindy Sheehan needs to remember that she is not the only parent in the country or even the world who has lost a child. Perhaps Mrs. Sheehan also needs to remember that if we had attacked terrorists long before this her son and thousands of other people would still be alive, including those 3000 men, women, children killed on September 11th, 2001. Her son and the other soldiers who died over in Iraq were fighting there to make sure freedom would survive in America and to introduce freedom to the Iraqis. And they are succeeding in their mission too, in January, Iraq had its first free elections since 1968!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Today rumors are flying that the Israelis from the Gaza Strip will start another state that will be called Judah. According to Biblical Prophecy Expert Jimmy DeYoung the disgruntled Israelis already have a constitution for the new state. This could be the beginning of the fulfilling of the prophecy in Ezekiel 37, where God says that he will take the nation of Israel and the nation of Judah and unite them, this could be the division that will ultimately lead to their unification and towards the end of the world. As I said these are just rumors, but it could still be true.

Jews Pull Out of Gaza!

I was scanning the headlines and came across this story and I was just floored. Why are the Israelis being forced to leave? As I read the story and looked at the picture something struck me as odd, here are Israelis being rounded up by other Israelis while Arabs demonstrate outside the towns. Outside the town of Neve Dekalim, as Israelis were being dragged from their homes that they'd had lived in maybe all of their lives, a crowd of Palestinians walked around with signs and flags. Aren't they even decent enough to wait until the Israelis leave?!!!! Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon pleaded with his people not to attack or blame the police forces or military but to blame him...they sure have a right to! In 2000 as US President Bill Clinton mediated at peace talks between Yasser Arafat and then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak Sharon criticized (and rightly so) as Barak offered Arafat around 90% of the Gaza Strip. Then Sharon turns around and hands it over without so much as blinking an eye. Actually this example of the peace talks in 2000 should tells us something: Palestinians don't want statehood; they want Israel wiped off the face of the earth. And a note to all you who also feel like that: It ain't going to happen, the Arabs tried to defeat Israel in 1967 with odds of 10 to 1 and Israel kicked their butts. God has promised to always pull through for the Jews and He will keep His promise no matter what.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hello, this is my first post, so I'll just mostly say hello. I am a Christian, conservative, homeschooled high-schooler and this blog will let you know what I think about current events.