Wednesday, January 04, 2006

While in Canada over the weekend (for my brother's wedding) I had a chance to read a Canadian newspaper. I didn't expect much in the way of pro-American sentiment in it, so I wasn't disappointed. Basically the whole paper was dedicated to telling the Americans what we were doing wrong and how we should act more like the Canadian government.
It especially criticized Bush for "spying" on Americans. That's all fine and dandy for them to say. If my memory does not deceive me America was the one attacked on September 11th, not Canada. Now the administration is trying to stop another attack from happening and only getting criticized for its efforts. This is strangely reminiscent of the 1960s-1970s, Kennedy and Johnson got away with whatever they wanted, along comes Nixon and the first slip-up he makes is considered a scandal. Ford gets treated the same way, then along comes Carter and the press begins to respect the president's privacy again.

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