Thursday, April 27, 2006

The news and the blogosphere has been jumping around with different stories of the gas prices. And just yesterday President Bush announced his intention to let oil companies stop (temporarily) putting percentages of their supply into the emergency reserve. While liberals and some conservatives have accused this companies of price-gouging I do not believe that is happening (at least not on a large scale).
Oil companies make a total profit of 9 cents on a gallon of gas, the federal government has a tax of 18.4 cents (more than double the oil companies profit) on a gallon of gas and the states levy their own tax on gas, which varies from state to state. In New York for instance the state levies a tax of 44 cents on the gallon! Quit complaining about oil companies! If the federal government would would lreduce their tax on gas and the states each reduce theirs we wouldn't be having these gas prices! The reason they're going up now is because of the switching between the gas that we used in the winter and the gas we use in the summer. Also in America we have over 60 different kinds of gas that have to be sold in different areas, if we didn't spend half our time refining oil into different kinds we could drive the gas prices back down. Who's in charge of these dumb laws? The same idiots in Washington who complain about gas prices while they drive SUVs and fly their own private jets!
Ann Coulter says it much better than I do:

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