Sorry, I can't answer that question, there are no words in the English language that describe their level of hatred towards Karl Rove. Now they are going as far as to say that Rove has been purposefully deleting emails because of incriminating content about his role in the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys (unless you live in a hole in the ground I'm sure you've heard about this).
The Democrats are furious that they couldn't get him on the Valerie Plame charge and are scrambling to oust him (or at least make him resign). Eventually everything comes back to Karl Rove, if you listen to the Democrats for too long you might end up thinking the man is Satan himself (maybe that's who Muslims refer to when they say "The Great Satan." It's not America, it's one man in particular). Rove even masterminded Hurricane Katrina, he was down there smashing levees, etc. just to make sure the poor people drown.
Personally I don't think Rove deserves all that credit. Bush called him "the architect" after the 2004 election, but if he had been doing his job right it would have been a landslide, instead of just a victory, come election night there would have been no doubts. I don't think that Rove is as clever as everyone makes him out to be, however, if it keeps the Democrats happy so be it.
Returning to the email thing, I found it amusing that Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) said, "Those e-mails are there, they just don't want to produce them." Well, Mr. Leahy since you are omniscient (all knowing for those of you in Rio Linda-haha) maybe you could tell us where they are? It would save the RNC and the White House a lot of trouble.
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