Apparently the old saying that "Congress doesn't get it" is truer than ever, the very fact that the House missed passing the $700 billion bailout bill by only a 228-205 margin proves that these elected officials don't give a darn what the American people want. When 70% (and I'm willing to bet even more) of the American people disapprove of something it seems like Congress should listen and even more importantly the President should.
I was disappointed when Bush tried to get an amnesty bill for illegal aliens passed, any respect I had for the man has disappeared after he announced his support for this bailout bill. President Bush must believe that his legacy isn't tarnished enough or perhaps he has just gone mad.
While I was happy that the bill went down in defeat I was disheartened to hear both Democrat and Republican leaders announce that they will try again. My take on this bailout plan? The banks made the mistakes let the banks fix them, if they can't then they deserve to crash, maybe a depression is what this country needs.
On the plus side I heard of another bill introduced to the House, this one sponsored by Tom Tancredo (Republican Representative from Colorado). The bill? This bill would evict the United Nations from the United States, sell all property of the UN to the highest bidder and use that money to help pay off the national debt and also bar the UN from buying any land in the future.
“The U.N. has coddled brutal dictators, anti-Semites, state sponsors of terrorism, and nuclear proliferators – while excluding democratic countries from membership and turning a blind eye to humanitarian tragedies and gross violations of human rights around the globe,” Tancredo said. “The U.N.’s continued presence in the United States is an embarrassment to our nation, and the time has come for this ineffective organization to pack its bags and hit the road.”
Way to go, Tom. Now here's a man who should be President!
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Maybe a depression is what the country needs? That's pretty callous. Do you know that the banks that are going out of business hold average peoples' lifesavings, retirement plans, and mortgages? What do you suppose will happen to them when the banks go under? Answer: they're gone. The bankers aren't going to suffer but the people who've invested in them certainly are. When people spout nonsense like "maybe we need a depression", it just proves they've never paid attention to what life was like during one. I guess it does explain why you're willing to vote for Herbert Hoover, er, McCain.
Oh, and by the way, that immigration bill you were complaining about: John McCain's work. More of the "conservative" governing you can expect to see from his presidency.
I know that John McCain was behind the immigration bill I didn't say he was perfect, as of matter of fact I believe I said that "I may not agree with things he has done in the past and perhaps not agree with things he will do in future but there is no question that he is patriotic." I can't believe that you would choose to vote for Alan Keyes, a man with no chance of winning and who's only contribution to the race will be to take votes away from McCain ensuring an Obama victory, McCain may not be perfect but Obama is pure unadulterated evil.
As for my statement about depression you missed the point, it was that depression is preferable to socialism which will be the end result if this bill passes, Presidents like JFK (number 10 on your list) and Reagan (number 3) worked way to hard to have this country sink into socialism now.
You may want to check your own family history though, bud. In 1996 our parents voted for Howard Phillips because they didn't like Bob Dole, even though it was taking votes away from Dole and helping elect Clinton who was "pure unadulterated evil." Plus, it's not like McCain has a chance to win NY...if I lived in Ohio or Virginia or Florida or one of the five or six states where votes actually matter (and if McCain had chosen a different VP) I might have been convinced to hold my nose and vote for him. But since Obama will win NY by twenty or thirty points anyway, I may as well vote for someone I can actually stand. And you liked Hunter didn't you? I recall you saying being electable didn't matter to you. Plus, your last two posts don't sound like you're saying you don't like McCain but you're supporting him--it sounds like you're saying you're in love with him now. As for his supposed patriotism, if you mean mouthing the words, then yeah, sure. If you mean, actual good things done for the country then I would ask, when? And where? And how often? I actually was toying with the idea of voting for him until his VP pick but that's another lecture for another time. As for my list, while I'm glad you read it, JFK and Reagan ran up huge deficits just like Bush. The fact of the matter is, big government is here to stay. Reagan couldn't cut it and he was enormously popular and had eight years. And, #1 on my list (Washington) led the federal government to assume the debts of the several states to prevent them from bankruptcy. Also, socialism? Or a way for the national government to protect people like its own revolutionary veterans who were being cheated out of their pensions?
Anyway, I think we may have to agree to disagree and find something else to talk about. At least one good thing is happening this year: the Giants are undefeated!
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