Friday, August 26, 2005

USA Today breathlessly announced that "Base-closing Plan Angers Republicans." Well, duh! Republicans are the ones who vote with the military, Democrats don't speak out because their goal is to make the military as small as possible. Now granted I will admit that some bases do need to be closed for budget reasons, but why is the administration picking bases in loyal Republican states? It seems to me that they should close the bases in states whose senators (Republicans) have voted consistently with the left, close some bases in Arizona (John McCain's state) or Maine (Olympia Snowe's state). Why punish loyal Republicans while trying to court "moderates" and liberals, there are no such things as moderates! They are just liberals trying to pretend to be something else which they are not. No "moderate" has ever stood against every liberal in the Senate and declared his support for legislation from the administration, as long as the liberals vote liberal so will the "moderates."

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