Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Once again Islam has proved itself a "religion of peace." After Pope Benedict XVI's remarks in which he quoted a medieval text calling the teachings of Islam "evil and inhuman" and that Islam was a religion "spread by the sword." Muslims everywhere demonstrated violently. The Pope was burned in effigy and churches in the Middle East were bombed.
Of course, Pope Benedict apologized but the Muslims still aren't satisfied, Al-Qaeda has released a statement saying that: "you (the Pope) and the West are doomed as you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere. ... We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose the 'jizya' tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion (to Islam) or (being killed by) the sword." But of course Islam is a religion of peace...hold it...everything that this statement says backs up the Pope's comments.
This religion is not normal, you'll notice that when Christianity is attacked in public speeches or in the media Christians don't go on burning effigies or bombing buildings or even issuing hate-filled statements.
The Prophet Mohammed told his followers that the "infidels" had two choices 1) to convert to Islam or 2) to be killed. And that's THE RELIGION OF PEACE?
I would admit that there are Muslims who don't follow the Prophet's instructions but those teachings in themselves are violent and definitely not peaceful. One wonders which side Mohammed would side with if eh were alive today, but my guess is he'd be the top of Al-Qaeda or something.

Monday, September 11, 2006

I also came across this cartoon by Cox and Forkum that speaks volumes about how to fight terrorism.
I'm sure sometime this month we've all been asked the question: Where were you? Where were you on September 11, 2001?
Being homeschooled I was sitting in our schoolroom doing math when my Mom came in and told me to turn on the radio, "We're under attack!" For the next 4 hours my eyes were riveted on the TV as they showed over and over the two planes crashing into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon burning and news of a fourth plane crashing in rural Pennsylvania. Thankfully we had (and have) a President who was capable of unifying the nation together when it needed it most.
Today as I see again images of that horrible day I thank God for the President, the Armed Forces and the first responders, some who died trying to save other people. Also eight days ago I wrote about Donald Rumsfeld and how much I like him. One thing that I really like about him was that 5 years ago as the Pentagon burned and while his security team was trying to organize, Donald Rumsfeld took off his suit jacket and helped carry out the wounded people.
This blog is dedicated to the innocent men and women who died 5 years ago, to the policemen and firemen who ran into the buildings but not out of them, and to the greatest nation on God's green earth: America!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Apparently the source of the CIA "leak" involving Valerie Plame was, former Number 2 State Department official, Richard Armitage.
This is a big shock to the liberals who soooo wanted to have it be Karl Rove. Armitage admits that he inadvertently let the fact that Plame worked at the CIA slip in two different conversations with Bob Woodward and Robert Novak.
Armitage states the he didn't realize that Plame's status was covert, one might wonder why and here are the two answers-
1: (Armitage's answer) "I assumed that Plame's job wasn't secret because she was mentioned in a State Department memo.
2: (My answer and I'm still waiting for a White House press release on this) Plame wasn't covert or a secret. Valerie Plame was (and is I guess) a paper-pusher over at Langley and was known around Washington social circles as working for the CIA. Several people who attended social functions before the "leak" mentioned that Plame was introduced by her husband as "my CIA wife." Doesn't sound covert to me.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Democrats want Rumsfeld out! So what else is new? Apparently a resolution by Senate Democrats to call for Rumsfeld resignation.
Leading Senate Democrats (such as Chuck Schumer D-NY) have been canvassing their colleagues views on such a resolution. Schumer said, "I believe there is a lot of sentiment to push for such a resolution, indeed."
This action started after California Senator Barbara Boxer declared herself offended by some remarks made by Secretary Rumsfeld last week. Boxer apparently finds the truth insulting.
In a speech last week Rumsfeld compared critics of the Iraq War to Nazi sympathizers in 1938 and '39. It seems that Senator Boxer finds this description insulting (it appears even the liberals aren't ready to claim kinship with the Nazis). I believe that history bears Rumsfeld out though, every reason that the Nazi sympathizers of 1938 and 1939 gave to stay out of the war has been used by the liberals in politics and the media today. Reasons such as "unnecessary deaths", "quagmires", etc.
The more I hear about Donald Rumsfeld the more I agree with what Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said, "I think Secretary Rumsfeld has done an excellent job. He'll be remembered as one of the great secretaries of defense."