Wednesday, May 24, 2006

While in Washington D.C. this past Thursday I came across something that made me want to half-laugh and half-cry. My family and I stopped in at the Smithsonian Museum of American History (a really cool museum by the way) and were making our way through the section on the American Presidency when we came across a touch screen poll. Naturally I decided to vote (being a conservative who believes that voting is important ).
The poll was on the most influential president in the history of America, you could choose any president in history from George Washington to George W. Bush. I, being a conservative, chose Ronald Reagan and pressed the results button. The top six appeared on the screen, they were as follows: 1) George Washington, 2) Abe Lincoln, 3) Franklin Roosevelt, 4) Bill Clinton 5) Ronald Reagan, 6) George W. Bush
"That's nice, but what's the point?" you ask. You probably think that I'm upset at Reagan's fifth place showing, a little but not much. The thing that really stuck out to me was the ignorance (or downright stupidity) of the people voting in the poll, why was Clinton in fourth place? Why was he even on the list?
It's not just because I'm a conservative who thinks Bill Clinton the second worst president of all time. I just don't see what Clinton did to rank him that high, you may like Clinton, but if you can show me one thing he did that was a big benefit to our country please comment.
Washington had the distinction of being the first, his decisions had a huge influence on what the fledgling US would do. Lincoln guided the great ship of state through the turbulent Civil War. FDR (who I wouldn't have ranked so high, but I digress) got America through World War II. Reagan came into office with a demoralized America, they had suffered Vietnam, Watergate, Gerald Ford and the almost killing blow of Jimmy Carter as president; yet America became a proud nation during Reagan's term. George W. Bush had the strength and integrity that helped us rebuild our shattered country in the wake of September 11, 2001 and to lead us to victory over the Taliban.
In the midst of these great men stands a saxophone former governor of Arkansas and what has he done to warrant this rank? Absolutely nothing.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Is the EU crazy? Personally, I think so, but I'll digress for the moment. The European Union has put together a package of economic and political proposals as an incentive for Iran to close down its Nuclear Program. A word of advice to the EU, diplomacy won't work, bending over backwards won't work...only one thing will convince the terrorist now president of Iran: force!
Not a just a verbal threat of invasion but actual plans for invasion followed by invasion if he still refuses to give up their nuclear weapons program.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The London-based human rights group: Amnesty International has written a report to the U.N. accusing the U.S. government of torturing terror suspects in Cuba, Afghanistan and Iraq. However, no specifics were mentioned or even generalizations in the article I read. But my response comes in 2 parts:
1) I'm glad Amnesty International decided to actually investigate reports of torture...where was Amnesty International when Saddam Hussein was killing thousands of his own people? I did a search on Amnesty International's website looking for the words: Saddam Hussein and torture. The results? A few items about various Husseins not related to Saddam and three about Amnesty International supervising Saddam's trial to make it fair. Why don't you liberals involved in this organization go investigate the countries that torture people? The United States government has never authorized torture (Al Gore's speeches as VP notwithstanding).
2) You're are the same bunch who wanted the U.S. to grant terrorists POW status. Terrorists who hide behind innocents and cower in caves...only daring to attack when apathy has prevailed. Anybody with the brain of a slug knows that you don't give cowards and skunks POW status, if nothing else it will inflate their egos more then they need.
Anybody who supports these terrorists are terrorists, and I group Amnesty International in that. They have aided and abetted terrorists by making up lies about the best country on the face of the earth...if you don't like the way we run things here, fine...drop dead.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Is it just me or are there more and more people whining lately? The liberals whine that Bush isn't leading the country right, the liberals whine that too many troops are dying in Iraq, the liberals whine that gas is too high. Okay, so maybe only the liberals have been whining but today hundreds of thousands of Hispanics took a page from the liberals playbook. Hispanics flooded the streets, leaving their workplaces and schools, to protest immigration reform that would make entering the country illegally a felony. Protestors marched and carried signs that read such things as: "Our Rights" "We Are America" and such things. My response will come in two parts. 1) If you are an employer whose workers left work today to protest fire them! Anybody who walks off the job should be fired. 2) You are not America out there. You are Mexicans who have illegally crossed the border and squatted here. You also have no rights, you are not citizens of the U.S. and cannot and should not be treated like one. If you aren't legalized then you have no rights and sure as heck shouldn't be granted amnesty. But my biggest problem with these "immigrants" is the fact that they will not become American they want to make money here without having to give something to make America better. Theses people want America to pay them, clothe them, provide for them while they care so little for America that they won't even learn English (and we're expected to accommodate. If there are people out there who really want to become Americans...immigrate's not that difficult...unless you're a known terrorist or drug dealer. Theodore Roosevelt had this to say about immigrants and immigration: "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself with us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every way an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."