Monday, January 30, 2006

Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (Republican) insists that he did not call homosexuals: "fruits." In a recent interview with Rolling Stone magazine Brownback criticized the legalizing of homosexual marriage in countries such as Sweden. During the course of the interview Senator Brownback quoted this verse from the Bible: "You'll know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:19). Obviously, to anyone with a brain that is, Brownback's comments were supposed to point out what effects the legalization of gay marriage has had on Sweden's culture. Sweden has one of the worst divorce rates in the world, not just heterosexual divorces either. Sweden has a high poverty and crime rate.
But unfortunately for Brownback the reporter at Rolling Stone and the people of the "Human's Rights Campaign" (who stand up for everything that is not a right, like abortion and gay marriage) believed that he was calling gays "fruits."
According to "Human's Rights Campaign" spokesman Brad Luna (or maybe he is really a she) "It's nice to know that Senator Brownback doesn't resort to name-calling from the 1970s, but unfortunately his anti-gay agenda continues to speak for itself." Since when has disagreeing with a warped worldview become a bad thing? I agree that Brownback's record speaks for itself. It's saying: "I represent the moral and spiritual tradition of America...if you don't like it...move to Sweden!" Brownback, a potential presidential nominee for '08 will have my vote if he makes it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of hearing about now wrong it was to use our surveillance technology against our enemies.
Of course none of the liberals ever say exactly that...instead they say that Bush is spying on Americans...I would sooner not place the men who killed 3000 people on September 11, 2001 in the same class as me.
Why shouldn't we use our technology to find out who our enemies are inside the country. The problem with the US Government today is not "domestic spying." It's too many rules! Why shouldn't the commander-in-chief of the United States use every tool in his arsenal against our enemies? Unfortunately the liberals won't acknowledge us as being at war.
To them I say "Shut up. Shut up and listen to America. The latest poll shows the President with 68% approval for 'spying'."

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I signed online to read the scores from the playoffs, and what to my wondering eyes appears? A headline that proudly proclaimed: Michael Schiavo weds girlfriend of five years! (sorry about that)
This story goes to prove what a jerk this man is. First he collects insurance money after he starves his wife to death. Then he decides to write a book about it. Now he marries his girlfriend, with whom he has two kids. What kind of husband cheats on his wife and then says that he knows what she would have wanted? Sorry, Michael, but I think she would have wanted you to be a faithful husband instead of messing around while she's in the hospital. And why was she in the hospital in the first place? Something fishy methinks. I'm still not convinced you didn't have anything to do with it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn) told some Republican activists that Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is a "nightmare" for liberal Democrats. The news article on AOL went on to say that while Alito is a "nightmare" for liberals, no Democrat has said that he will oppose Alito on the floor of the Senate.
That's why Alito's a "nightmare" to the Democrats. If they were to try and filibuster Mr. Alito, the Democratic party would lose the '06 elections and the '08 elections big time. The American people are sick and tired of the democrats pulling their little "we filibuster" stunt everytime a conservative judge is nominated. Except of course for those few whiny Democrats who are out of the mainstream.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

As everyone knows one Monday the nation "celebrated" Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I am not a big fan of Martin Luther King Jr. but I have no objection to the African-Americans (we must be politically correct) having a holiday for one of their heroes. The reason I used the word celebrated in quotation marks is because it seemed rather to be another "smear Republicans and white people day." US Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) gave a speech in which she accused Republicans from "running a plantation" with African American congressmen. Excuse me (for being Republican), but President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves in 1863, he was a wait he was Republican! Who enforced desegregation in Arkansas (Hillary's home state originally)? It was President Eisenhower, and he was a Dem...wait he was Republican too. Who appointed not one, but two black Americans to the position of Secretary of State? President George W. Bush...and he is definitely not a Democrat! Does it mean anything that Bush appointed more blacks to his cabinet then Bill Clinton? Not to Hillary it sure as heck don't.
Also in the news today: The Washington Times ran a story in which they revealed the hypocrisy of Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass). It revealed how that, while Mr. Kennedy criticized Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito for belonging to a Princeton club that was opposed to letting women and minorities enroll (20+ years ago) at Princeton, Mr. Kennedy belonged to an all-men club (personally I have no problem with that) from Harvard. Mr. Kennedy has resigned from that club now, the better to criticize other nominees who may come his way. His spokeswoman defended him by saying that he joined it in 1954, before women were accepted at Harvard. Mr. Alito joined his club before women were allowed to enroll at Princeton. Unfortunately, for him, only Democrats can get away with things like that.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The man who tried to assassinate the late Pope John Paul II has disappeared. Mehmet Ali Agca, who tried to kill the pope on May 13, 1981 was released from prison, in Turkey, yesterday. He was ordered to check in at police stations every day until officials decided whether or not he should be drafted into the military. By this evening he had failed to show up.
Agca was also ordered to appear at a military hospital on Monday. If he fails to show up he will be branded a draft-dodger (how about "would-be assassin?"). Officials are waiting to make sure that their hasn't been a mistake, there has been. They made it when they released Agca from jail. Someone should examine the Turkish officials' heads (and that right speedily).

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Today on they ran a story about al-Qaeda lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahiri releasing a videotape in which he told President Bush that he must admit defeat in Iraq. What kind of idiots are they at CNN? Do they really think Bush is going to listen to a terrorist?
During World War II the Germans employed an English-speaking woman to taunt and discourage the GIs from fighting, they nicknamed her Axis Sally. The Japanese did the same and the GIs nicknamed here Tokyo Rose. I hereby christen Zarahiri: On-the-run Ayman.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

While in Canada over the weekend (for my brother's wedding) I had a chance to read a Canadian newspaper. I didn't expect much in the way of pro-American sentiment in it, so I wasn't disappointed. Basically the whole paper was dedicated to telling the Americans what we were doing wrong and how we should act more like the Canadian government.
It especially criticized Bush for "spying" on Americans. That's all fine and dandy for them to say. If my memory does not deceive me America was the one attacked on September 11th, not Canada. Now the administration is trying to stop another attack from happening and only getting criticized for its efforts. This is strangely reminiscent of the 1960s-1970s, Kennedy and Johnson got away with whatever they wanted, along comes Nixon and the first slip-up he makes is considered a scandal. Ford gets treated the same way, then along comes Carter and the press begins to respect the president's privacy again.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year to one and all!