Sunday, July 09, 2006

How do you know when something is a bad idea? When Bill Clinton endorses it. Clinton's latest award winner is President Bush's immigration reform, I think this is Bush's cue to drop it like a hot potato.
Addressing NCLR (National Council of La Raza), the biggest Hispanic rights group in America, Clinton said: "I'm proud of him for doing it and I thanked him for doing it." Interestingly enough, NCLR's current president is Janet Murguia, a former Clinton aide.
Clinton also took time from his speech to lambast conservatives who see this reform bill as a way of giving amnesty to law breakers. "They believe in a government that is secret, unaccountable and that maximizes its own power. They really believe the world works better if they run it and we keep our mouths shut."
Meanwhile Clinton believes in a country where felons are paroled, babies killed and gay marriage allowed to undermine the few values society has left.
To all those Republicans out there who think the reform bill good, just remember this motto: "If Clinton is for it, you'd better be against it." Thank you and have a nice day.

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