Friday, August 11, 2006

To the media:

Two words: Shut up!
I'm sick and tired of seeing headlines reading: Mel Gibson this, Mel Gibson that, somebody defended Mel Gibson, somebody denounced Mel Gibson. When are you going to get it through your heads that the American people could care less. This isn't even news.Mel Gibson was driving drunk...okay a police report about it would be fine, end of story. But no, we have to be subjected to days of nothing but Gibson bashing. (I'm not condoning drunk driving here...but the media has gone too far) The only reason they report on this is because of two reasons: 1) Gibson made the movie "The Passion of the Christ" 2) He didn't apologize for it.
So now the fact that he was driving drunk has made headlines, along with the statement that he was making anti-Semitic remarks. Supposedly Hollywood and the Media suddenly believe that making anti-Semitic remarks is wrong (which it is), but there's a double standard with these people. Drunk driving and anti-Semitic remarks by celebrities is all fine (and hushed-up) until Mel Gibson does it and then its news! Give me a break.
Gibson made a mistake, now it's time to build a bridge and get over it.