Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Party of Cut and Run

Well, I was wrong and I admit it. The Republicans did lose.
All through the campaigns we heard that the Democrats were the party of "cut and run" but the Republicans have shown themselves equal to the task. Within hours of losing control of the house, President Bush announced the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. Also within hours the President held a press conference in which he pandered to the Democrats by saying "The message yesterday was clear: The American people want their leaders in Washington to set aside partisan differences, conduct ourselves in an ethical manner, and work together to address the challenges facing our nation." Maybe actually the American people were discouraged with the Republican Party's performance on illegal immigration (especially the President's amnesty program) and their increasing of government programs. These disappointments led to the voters staying home or voting against Republicans, granted the Democrats are even worse on these issues, but the American people expect the Republicans to act like Republicans.
I am truly sorry for Pennsylvanians who will now have to endure both Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, Rick Santorum was one of the few real Republicans (with a spine) left in the Senate, again my condolences to the citizens of Pennsylvania.

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