Friday, January 30, 2009

A Party to Believe In?

Despite President Obama's warning to Republican leaders not to listen to Rush Limbaugh if they want to accomplish anything, Republicans this week have made two extremely smart moves. Number One: Every Republican in the House of Representatives voted against Obama's "stimulus" bill, although the bill was passed by the Democratic majority the Republicans stood firm against this pork-laden bill. Together as one man they stood up and told Obama: this is completely on you, we'll be here to pick up the pieces when it fails.
Number Two: Just this afternoon former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele was elected to the RNC chairmanship, this will hopefully mark the return of the party to its Conservative past. And for extra credit we get to taunt the Democrats now, why? Michael Steele is black, last time I checked the "Black Party" was run by a rich white boy from the state of Vermont...and yes Mr. Obama "we'll trump you on that!"

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