Thursday, November 10, 2005

I love, I just love it. Today on AOL News they had an interview with Jimmy Carter about a “Moral Crisis.” Would you like a guess as to who Jimmy Carter blames for this crisis? You got it! Christian Conservatives who are electing conservatives to public office. Who are, of course, a minority, according to Carter. “I really don't believe that a vast majority of the American people approve of what has been happening recently in Washington. And I think after they read my book and realize the profound nature of the change, there's going to be an even greater desire to see the changes back to what we have always valued as American moral principles.” News to Jimmy from Mars! President Bush was re-elected in the biggest voter turnout ever. It seems to me that the vast majority does agree with what goes on in the White House. Maybe he’s just mad because he’s stuck with a vast minority who can’t win elections on agenda, they win on smear campaigns.
Note to Republicans running for office (and future Republicans) You must be perfect for 35 years before you run for public office. As for you Democrats: Forget it, you couldn’t do it. And by the way, just who is Jimmy Carter to be lecturing us on how to run the country? If my memory serves his presidency was the weakest ever. The American people were so glad, after 1976, that they lived in a republic, where they would get to change their minds as to who should be president. Never in all of American history were the American people glad that Carter wasn’t dictator-for-life.

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