Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The London-based human rights group: Amnesty International has written a report to the U.N. accusing the U.S. government of torturing terror suspects in Cuba, Afghanistan and Iraq. However, no specifics were mentioned or even generalizations in the article I read. But my response comes in 2 parts:
1) I'm glad Amnesty International decided to actually investigate reports of torture...where was Amnesty International when Saddam Hussein was killing thousands of his own people? I did a search on Amnesty International's website looking for the words: Saddam Hussein and torture. The results? A few items about various Husseins not related to Saddam and three about Amnesty International supervising Saddam's trial to make it fair. Why don't you liberals involved in this organization go investigate the countries that torture people? The United States government has never authorized torture (Al Gore's speeches as VP notwithstanding).
2) You're are the same bunch who wanted the U.S. to grant terrorists POW status. Terrorists who hide behind innocents and cower in caves...only daring to attack when apathy has prevailed. Anybody with the brain of a slug knows that you don't give cowards and skunks POW status, if nothing else it will inflate their egos more then they need.
Anybody who supports these terrorists are terrorists, and I group Amnesty International in that. They have aided and abetted terrorists by making up lies about the best country on the face of the earth...if you don't like the way we run things here, fine...drop dead.


Anonymous said...

first, amnesty internationl hás reported about the torture under the hussein regime, that's a fact and they did id for a lon time. in 2001 they reported that iraq was systemically torturing it's people and they have received thousands of reports about it, ánd published them. it's just utter nonsense that they didnt had any interest in it!

second, U.S. does torture, that's a fact. one of the CIA inevestigation techniques (water boarding) ís considered torture under International Law (but hey that's international law, you couldn't care less about that).

thirdly, america has extradited people to syria, egypt, jordan. people there have been about one example on and here's a nice quote from cia-offical Bob Baer about extraordinary rendition:
'if you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. if you want them to be tortured, you send them to Syria. If you want someone to dissapear -- never to see them again -- you send them to Egypt'

not only amnesty international has reported about torture, also HRW, Red Cross, p/e (But I bet those also just Liberal morons who are wrong anyway)

your worldview reminds me of the motto of footballhooligans: 'no one likes us we don't care' and saying that amnesty international is a terrorist organisations...hahaha, very funny. Why all that arrogance??

JDC said...

First: Where did Amnesty International make any reports on Sddam's torture? I did a search on their web site (as I said in the blog) and no traces appeared.
Second: You're right I don't care about International Law...and you notice how hard Interpol (International Police) was trying to get rid of Sddan's torture chambers...
Third: The media says we should send these terrorists we do...unfortunately their government doesn't like them. Personally I think that people who have harmed or were planning on harming innocent civilian deserves to be tortured.
And lastly who is arrogant? Not me. Amnesty International has the arrogance. Not only are they arrogant but they are also idiots...they let torture chambers in the Middle East operate without complaining...while the U.S. is accused of torture if we take a prisoner's Koran away.

Anonymous said...

well thats strange that you can't find it, cause when i searched i got 309 results, dating back to 1993 (archive stops there)..they published about saddam constantly.
Saddam had torture chambers, your absolutely right...america has them too!!! what a lack of morals from U.S. government

Amnesty international has always complained about the violation of human rights, always!

america does more than taking away koran's, we can be sure of that.

you are battling Hate with hate, and you can never resolve the problem in this way.

Anonymous said...

well, so that you don't need to look for yourself:

here's a link to a report of AI, dating 1996.

You have this crazy idea, inflamed by patriotism, that it's wrong to be critical against your government, while I believe you should always be critical to everything. (also AI btw)