Friday, September 08, 2006

Apparently the source of the CIA "leak" involving Valerie Plame was, former Number 2 State Department official, Richard Armitage.
This is a big shock to the liberals who soooo wanted to have it be Karl Rove. Armitage admits that he inadvertently let the fact that Plame worked at the CIA slip in two different conversations with Bob Woodward and Robert Novak.
Armitage states the he didn't realize that Plame's status was covert, one might wonder why and here are the two answers-
1: (Armitage's answer) "I assumed that Plame's job wasn't secret because she was mentioned in a State Department memo.
2: (My answer and I'm still waiting for a White House press release on this) Plame wasn't covert or a secret. Valerie Plame was (and is I guess) a paper-pusher over at Langley and was known around Washington social circles as working for the CIA. Several people who attended social functions before the "leak" mentioned that Plame was introduced by her husband as "my CIA wife." Doesn't sound covert to me.

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